June 20, 2024
In a country devastated by cancer, a comprehensive cancer centre would seem the ultimate solution. In reality, it is only one piece of the care and treatment objective. Awareness and education, while seemingly basic, are proving to be essential in improving the lives of those who are suffering. The development of the KCMC Cancer Care Centre in Moshi means diagnosis and treatment of cancer are now possible in northern Tanzania. However, patients often arrive at the hospital in Moshi too late, many times at an incurable stage of cancer. Last year, 85 percent of the patients presenting for help at the Cancer Care Center were in stage III or IV. For those who’ve dedicated their lives to caring for the sick and suffering, this is an unbearable reality. The question that needed to be answered was “why?” Not surprising, the answer was simple. People living in this vast, desolate region were unaware. They didn’t understand cancer. They weren’t aware that early detection would increase their chances of living. They just didn’t know. To complicate matters, many health care workers in the region lacked significant knowledge of cancer and were not trained to facilitate referrals. There was a high need for raising cancer awareness in the population. That meant increasing knowledge about risk factors, symptoms and the possibility of treatment.